What Is Customs Clearance And Handling In Malaysia? A Good Question!

Customs clearance in Malaysia is the same with many countries in the world. Like most countries, it is not a simple and straightforward process, but in Malaysia, it is perhaps more complicated than others due to its own set of rules and implementation.The paperwork can be daunting or even confusing and perplexing for most people who are not familiar with the customs clearance and handling Malaysia . So, if you are planning to import a restricted or controlled product, you will have to deal with customs as well as the relevant authority. Restricted product means that it is restricted from being imported freely into Malaysia. Approved Permits (APs) are licenses that are required for importing these goods into Malaysia. APs are issued by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and are used to regulate the import of goods that are considered strategic, sensitive, or controlled. Controlled product will require approval or permit from the relevant authority, for example Minis...